Return back after long time;

We extremely sorry for unable to update continuing our daily activities. After this long gap has been changed new updater.
Hi, I am RAJU SAPKOTA, nice to meet you to all our visitors, costumers and wishers. I am starting to renew our site by updating new products, activities and about event which have held our company in English language script. I hope, I can able to satisfy in drilling our products to the costumer and any other people who wants to know about us. Wish you all the best and prosperity.

By the way, any people either you are costumer or any other who wants to join us , likes our products, seeking our activities or feed backers we warmly accept your comment and opinions. Please don`t forget to remain us and our products occurred any bad aspects.
We are the manufacturer of producing filter since 1991. Various types of filter for machinery (refrigerator, vehicle, motorbike, air conditioner etc.) parts as well as appliance of daily uses have been produced. Please visit us at Facebook named of Tochigi Vantech or filter manufacturer to see renewing or re-updating photo or any more. We think social sites also help us to be close our relationship or contact wherever you are in this world. We want to spread all over the world about us and our best qualitative and famous Japanese technique using in producing filter.
Join us move together and makes as long your using machine or appliance.
favourable to all


  1. 夏休み♪ & 祝!10周年大島金属

  2. Renewal of website

  3. お客様に重要なお知らせ

  4. 10月26日

  5. Uploaded a New Video

  6. オリンピ~ック!

Contact us

Feel free to inquire about prototyping, mass production and mesh sizing.+81 283-86-8668

Contact Inquiry Form