Let`s know something more about our productions

Dear customers, visitors, friends and whole members who are coordinating with us. How are you? Are you adjusting this weather getting high temperature from the low?

By the way, Take care and get healthy to be able to continuing your good job. Wish you all the best.

This is spring season, Scenery of the greenery is seen around our company so good to see but shouldn`t have to forget to be careful of this changing weather and temperatures.
This place is located at the center of japan totally covered by land called Tochigi prefecture.

vantech-1.jpg We are so busy to producing metal filter for using refrigerator, freeze and other home appliances. We always are struggling to be good, honesty, qualitative and quantitative manufacturer of best Japanese technology. IMG_1618_20130530162115.jpg

Our technologies of manufacturing Metal filter have various configured products as well as our existing die types and size.
Let`s see one of them about Baffle plate.

Accumulator.jpgThe baffle plate is using according to the left picture. Baffle plate helps to separate gases to liquids. When air inters into the Accumulator, Outer air strikes directly to the Baffle plate, and then Baffle plate condenses the evaporated air to liquid. After that remaining air can pass easily towards the compressor.

baffle plate

And hope following picture can clarify more.

air conditioner

On the above picture shows by red arrows are filter`s types of different uses in refrigeration system. On the same above chart, picture (A) and picture (B) also must important to use in refrigeration which are also our company`s production.


Our ambition is to fulfill customers preferred size and materials (brass, stainless steel or any other).

So, let’s join with us to increase your efficiency lengthen and machinery lifespan. We can fulfill your business dream and your customers wish to be proudly of using The best Japanese technologies’ productions.


  1. Songkran

  2. 不況の波!に乗らず

  3. オリンピ~ック!

  4. お客様に重要なお知らせ

  5. Notice of Temporary Closure Ov…

  6. AHR EXPO 出展報告(ダイジェスト編)

Contact us

Feel free to inquire about prototyping, mass production and mesh sizing.+81 283-86-8668

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