Final Party of 2013

It’s the time of warmly winter, warmly winter means;
all people are doing celebration of Merry Christmas and the New Year Eve. 雪Santa Claus雪 keeps all in warm make enjoy, helps to increase good friendship relation and variety of enjoyment. Thus, I want to say to all again: 

                        “クリスマスMERRY CHRISTMASクリスマス


Our President wishing to all on the occasion of Merry Christmas and giving present to us. Thank you 社長プレゼント for delicious cake.
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Today, December 24, Christmas Eve is in the evening or entire day before Christmas day and widely celebrated as annual holiday around Christian and non-Christian people as an integral part of Christmas and holiday season. We can also see large number of Christmas tree around us; on the roadside, supermarket, and many places especially in the evening it’s very luminous and attractive.
On the occasion of Christmas and before New Year concurrently we did party by gathering last weekend at Japanese Restaurant. Most of member were participated and enjoyed. Today I want to show and explain about our extra activities out of our work.

Every people needs to be extra and be avoid own self from the continuous working. As the same way, our company had took End-Year-Party, that’s called in Japanese “BOUNEN KAI” 忘年会”. (The party which is performed at the end of year within all member, family and friends, and other relative person)

Let's see some photo which was taken on party; 
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The Foods were very delicious in variety of test, we were gone typical Japanese restaurant, and enjoy with many delicious food and alcohol. I like Japanese food, my favorite Japanese food is SASIMI(刺身)that is also called sliced raw fish. 

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please join us at facebook for more at: Tochigi vantech

Yearly, monthly and sometimes on the special occasion and the event, we are gathering and enjoy such kinds. These kinds of drinking, enjoying, meeting and such extra activities are being mediation of making strong personal behavior. Our president always suggests us to share opinion, if you can`t express your core opinion you can`t do anything, you can`t get any success that’s why lets join hands to make world number one Metal Filter Manufacturer. 

Finally, our customer, visitors, Friends,distributer, wishers, and all members thank you very much your different kinds of cooperation, help and kindness behavior and business with us in the period of 2013. We all company member from Japan, China and Thailand, wish you Happy New Year 2014 in advance.  And wish New Year will bring you new Idea, New personality, new progression, and prosperous life.

                      soonsoonsoonsoon 2014ひらめきひらめきひらめき


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