New Location & Construction of Vantech

Its now Started from new Location. Sorry for late information to all.
High Quality metal filters and strainers manufacturer, Vantech is accumulating its new idea for innovate new types of filters and strainers for various industries.
The place is also wider, at least 1.5 times bigger than the previous one. Company also designated each depart separately with sufficient facility.
Today, I’d like to show some picture of our new plant.


At the time of ‘Ceremony for sanctifying ground'(地鎮祭)
Please Click here for current location details→’01.3%22N+139%C2%B034’07.0%22E/@36.367026,139.5511015,14z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x0!8m2!3d36.367034!4d139.568605


                                   Empty Place before construction


    DSC_0093.JPG    DSC_0090.JPG
At the time of Constructing:
    ①入口.jpg  2階-2.jpg
             Entrance                                                  Office 2nd Floor


    踊り場からの1階-2.jpg   ④荷捌場.jpg
     Internal Image while Constructing        Back part for Delivery


The time of build up is took up to 4months. Then started here from 26th August,2016.
As we informed before to all customer, there was not any occurrance of claim on delivery and Quality in Production.


DSC_0005.JPG DSC_0006.JPG
                               Opening Ceremony


Out looking of New Construction:……
   DSC_0009.JPG DSC_0309.JPG




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Contact us

Feel free to inquire about prototyping, mass production and mesh sizing.+81 283-86-8668

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