Uploaded a New Video

We uploaded a new video on YouTube.

We are a manufacturer of metal filters and strainers. These filters and strainers are mainly used inside small parts of refrigerant systems and automobile parts. However, it can be used anywhere where filtration is needed. The video introduce about our company and where our products are being used.


  1. 忘年会!1年の計 来年の抱負

  2. Sheyang Oshima Metal Filter re…

  3. ものづくり商談会in宇都宮

  4. 2022 Automotive Engineering Ex…

  5. Happy 2013!!

  6. 圧延機圧延油フィルター物語 -Part2-

Contact us

Feel free to inquire about prototyping, mass production and mesh sizing.+81 283-86-8668

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