Vantech Co., ltd is participating in this year’s “Italy Innovation Day 2023: Space Chapter and Beyond”

The embassy of Italy in Japan collaborating with the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), the Italian Space Agency (ASI), the Society of Japanese Aerospace company (SJAC) and the Italian Space Industries Association AIPAS, will organize the “Italy Innovation Day 2023: Space Chapter and Beyond”.

We mass produce metal filter for automotive industry. But we also want to explore opportunities in other industries. In order to expand overseas business Vantech Co., ltd participates in exhibition around the world. We also participate in exhibitions within Japan to find out new customers.

In this era, satellite technology is playing a major role in technological advancement. By attending “Italy Innovation Day 2023: Space Chapter and Beyond”, we believe that we will understand more about satellite technology and will be able to figure out any possibility of filter usage in the satellite industry.


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Feel free to inquire about prototyping, mass production and mesh sizing.+81 283-86-8668

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